
Back to Kenya!

I am so happy to announce that I have the privilege of living in Kenya, Africa for a month this summer. I will be going back to the same orphanage that I worked at two summers ago. I will be living there with one of my best friends Sami and the leader of the organization, HEAL. We will be focusing on building projects, and spending time loving on the kids there. It is so crazy to see how God works.
 The beginning of this year I knew that I wanted to travel back to Africa, but was not sure if it was a possibility with traveling. I also had to choose between Africa, or going back to the Czech Republic. Both places have a very special pull on my heart as there are people I love in each country. After months of praying, and seeking counsel, God revealed that it was my choice. That this decision was different then Spain, Czech or other missions trips, He was giving me the task to decide. When God gives you the reigns, sometimes we just want to give it right back to him. Why? Because it's scary knowing we hold the future in our hands, I was constantly struggling if knowing which decision was the "right" one. After seeking wise counsel, God revealed that in life, sometimes all roads lead to him. Either decision I made, God would be present and work through me. I kept pressing into what God's heart and did not let anxiety get the best of me. I made the decision for Africa and through His good timing, everything worked out! I know that God has amazing things planned for me and the rest of the team. It is just crazy to think that I will be able to see all the precious faces of the children there. I cant wait to hug them all and sing and dance in God's presence. I know that this will be a tough journey as well. We will be living in the home with 50+ children day in and day out, sleeping on less then ideal mattresses and using the oh so lovely squatty potties, but I know that it will be worth it.
 I recently read a book called, "Always Enough" by Heidi Baker,who is a radical missionary in Mozambique ministering to the poor and oppressed, and she put it simply, "All I want to do is love God and care for His people. I find them in the garbage, under trees, dying of AIDS. I’m just really simple. Jesus said, “Just look into My eyes,” and everything completely changed. His eyes are filled with love and passion, and compassion. Jesus always stops for the dying man, the dying woman and the dying child. That’s all I know, passion and compassion. He calls me to love every single person I see every single day."
My life was changed when I went to Africa. Not because I came back and felt "blessed" or because I valued all the material things I have in America, but because of the love of God that emanated from the children in Rapha children's home. So I am taking the challenge with Jesus leading the way. I am saying yes to being smelly but being totally loved by little arms wrapped around my waist laughing, yes to being worn down but revived by Jesus, and I am saying yes to seeing a little bit more into the heart of God. 
If you would like to speak to me more about my trip please ask me! And please pray for me, and the rest of the team as we prepare to journey to Africa. 
Use me God so that I may see the love in your eyes.